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- 314總學員人數
- 15總課堂數
- Feb 10, 2012自……開始有效
- Pittsburgh, United States地點
Pamela's Health Coaching practice is all about empowering women and men to take care of themselves regardless of what life throws at them.
About Pamela:
Pamela Biasca Losada MS (Psychology) is a Certified Integrative Health and Emotional Empowerment Coach. She specializes in defining what's holding her clients back from having the fitness they desire, beating the path of resistance long-term, taking control of their health and life, developing and tracking their individual-tailored wellness goals so they don't keep failing.
She teaches her clients also how negative emotions...
Pamela is also a co-author in the Book EMPOWER: Women's Stories of Breakthrough, Discovery and Triumph which has been released in April 2013 (Available on Amazon, ISBN-10: 1483924408/ ISBN-13: 978-1483924403)
Fluent in 4 languages (English, Italian, German, Spanish) and very good knowledge in French